Teaching and learning activity that enacts a culturally responsive approach to mathematics pedagogy

Task: Describe a teaching and learning activity that enacts a culturally responsive approach to mathematics pedagogy based on a critical interpretation of your research which provides a rich and inclusive classroom learning environment for children in diverse or specific social contexts. 

Learning Area: Ethnomathematics

Year Level : 10

Class Size: 20


60 minutes


South Indian art - Kolam and it's mathematical connection

Curriculum Connections 

Apply logical reasoning, including the use of congruence and similarity, to proofs and numerical exercises involving plane shapes (ACMMG244 - Scootle - communicating a proof using a sequence of logically connected statements



Introduction (Set): 

Teaching Approaches

10 minutes

Students are introduced to Kolam and Rangoli. Teacher then uses the resource: https://designsappear.design.blog/2021/02/15/what-is-the-difference-between-kolam-and-rangoli/ 

to teach students about the difference between Kolam and Rangoli

They are explained that in this activity students are going to explore mathematics behind the Kolam drawings.

Students are shown the video on Youtube -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHT1NjJW7Tw

to give them an insight about Kolam and the art of mathematics behind the drawings. 


Main Content:

Teaching Approaches

20 minutes

Teacher explains to students about how Kolam is designed by drawing dot matrices and then drawing around the dots without touching them in a continuous pattern.

Students are shown different types of Kolam designs and are asked to look for mathematics hiding in the drawings. They will them pair share about what they noticed and share with the class. Teacher uses this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DqwwUJpYJo


Students are then shown the photo of some types of Kolam designs from kulam.jpg

 They are then asked to pick one Kolam design from those, and figure out the symmetry and geometry used in the designs. 

Students will note that in their notebooks


Main Content (Continued)

Teaching Approaches

25 minutes

Students are then directed to go to the Kolam generator on this website


They will then analyse how the patterns change when the widget is used in the website and observe symmetry, varying size and intricacy.

Students will make note of the changes and then make their own Kolam design using the grid pattern as a rough sketch in their notebook. 

Students are then provided with dot grid paper at https://lrt.ednet.ns.ca/PD/BLM/pdf_files/dot_paper/sq_dot_1cm.pdf

to make a final sketch of their Kolam design. 

Observational assessment will be continuously carried out to check how students are using their learning in developing the patterns. 



Teaching Approaches

5 minutes

Students are requested to upload their design on OneNote and this will then be projected by the teacher on TV.

Students will then discuss their drawings to everyone. 

Teacher will encourage students to pair share and discuss with the whole class.


(Include equipment required for class and/or for teacher preparation)

Teacher's laptop

Students laptop

TV/Screen and projector

Dot grid paper


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHT1NjJW7Tw
  2. https://trishar.github.io/KolamGenerator/RandomKolamGenerator.html
