Teaching and learning activity that enacts a culturally responsive approach to mathematics pedagogy
Task: Describe a teaching and learning activity that enacts a culturally responsive approach to mathematics pedagogy based on a critical interpretation of your research which provides a rich and inclusive classroom learning environment for children in diverse or specific social contexts. Learning Area: Ethnomathematics Year Level : 10 Class Size: 20 Timing: 60 minutes Topic: South Indian art - Kolam and it's mathematical connection Curriculum Connections Apply logical reasoning, including the use of congruence and similarity , to proofs and numerical exercises involving plane shapes (ACMMG244 - Scootle - communicating a proof using a sequence of logically connected statements LESSON STRUCTURE: Time Introduction (Set): Teaching Approaches 10 minutes Students are introduced to Kolam and Rangoli. Teacher then uses the resource: https://designsappear.design.blog/2021/02/15/what-is-the-difference-betwe...